About me

I am a PhD graduate in numerical analysis where my work focused on iterative methods and preconditioning methods for linear systems arising from the discretisation of the Helmholtz problem. I currently work in HPC and my interests are in iterative linear solvers, preconditioning methods, partial differential equations and scientific computing for applications in physics.


These are some publications and work from my time at university.

J.D. Shanks, P.N. Childs and I.G. Graham, A hybrid sweeping domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation, arxiv, 2016.
J.D.Shanks, Robust solvers for large indefinite systems in seismic inversion, PhD Thesis, 2014.
J.D.Shanks, P.N.Childs, and I.G.Graham: Shifted Laplace DDM preconditioners for the Helmholtz equation, Proceddings of the 25th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis, Strathclyde University, Scotland, 2013, p18.
J.D. Shanks, P.N. Childs, and I.G. Graham: Shifted Laplace DDM preconditioners for the Helmholtz equa-tion , Proc. WAVES 2013, Gammarth, Tunisia, p 103.
P.N. Childs, I.G. Graham and J.D. Shanks, Hybrid sweeping preconditioners for the Helmholtz equation Proceedings WAVES 2013, p 285.
Wave equation processing patent, 2013.